Software projects of A-DOMANI: netcool / Impact

Customers have shown interest in Netcool & Impact. Good enough reasons to investigate some time in it.

What is it?

The company Micromuse made a product Netcool/Omnibus.
Although it is NOT a replacement for, it should (logically) run on top of other management platforms, like HP-OV. It is capable of reading events from devices or (management) applications and internally reduce the number of events, by de-duplication. The other powerful point is that by means of several probes it can (almost) communicate with everything.

In other words, it (can) remove all vendor specific items, and give the operator in a Network Operation Centre an identical view for completely different underlying networks like IP, ATM, Voice, PDH, SDH... Point is, if an event occurs (fibre cut, interfase down) normally people will start checking what the problem is, and how to resolve it. Much of this can be automated. Furthermore, if lots of events occur (3,000,000 per day) it helps in the workload if any pre-investigation can be done. Or if simarly events are automatically removed from alarm lists.

Other product is Impact. This product is capable of extracting information from other (company resident) information (database / flat file). It can decide of the content of SLA which event should be given top-priority, and can raise the severity if problems are not solved within a certain time scope.

For more information, check out the website of Micromuse

A-domani's involvement